Previous Exhibition: New Work by Diane Pollack and Sandra K. Meagher
"My work is the response to energy field which swirl and spiral within us and as well as far beyond us. Each piece in this exhibition has several layers, beginning with an artist made print, then collage elements are added and finally the sewing of the threads." -Pollack
he new drawings in this exhibition continue a search for unexpected yet welocome imagery. For me, "As in a Dream" suggests a slow-motion unreeeling of unlikely forms in the free space of sleep. "Working' till the Cows Come Home" derives it's title from the many interactive shapes to be found in the semi-abstract imagery" -Meagher
Reception & Artists Talk: Sunday, October 4, 2015, 2-5 PM
Additional Artists Talk: Thursday, October 15, 12-1:30 PM