Previous Exhibition: TRILOGY
Art/Place Gallery invites the public to a reception for “Trilogy”, the solo show of paintings by members, Diane Pollack, Lynne Arovas, and Toby Michaels, on Sunday, June 11 at 2 to 5 pm. They will talk about their work at 3:30 pm. The show can be seen from May 29 to June 25 from 12-5 every day at 70 Sanford Street in Fairfield. See www.artplacegallery.org or call 646-256-6912 or 203-374-9720.
Lynne Arovas, a Greenwich resident, graduated with a B.A. in psychology and minor in art from Arcadia University. Her art studies include Silvermine School of Art, The Eddie Niño Art School, and currently the Rowayton Arts Center. Lynne has exhibited in numerous juried, group and solo exhibitions. She is a member of the Artists Collective of Westport, Art/Place Gallery, Stamford Art Association, and Rowayton Arts Center, Lynne’s work has been selected for several awards in juried shows, and was part of the 52nd Annual Nor’Easter Exhibition at the New Britain Museum of Art.
Lynne says, “Energy in order is one way I would describe my work. Arranging expressive designs of nervous energy in a contained, structured way. The process of continually recutting, rearranging, gluing and sealing creates a tile like quality. Emotions, nature, and color inspire me and are often the intertwining themes in my collage.”
Westport resident, Diane Pollack, has exhibited since 1977 in NY, Arizona and CT. She has been in many art organizations. including Art/Place Gallery, the Artists Collective of Westport, the Kershner Gallery of the Fairfield Public Library, as well as the Drawing Studio in Tucson, Arizona. .\
Diane says she has collaborated with dancers as she uses black enamel house paint and large brushes to create these images on paper. She then stitches the work onto a backing, thus adding a linear quality to the very gestural works. She adds,”There is a definitive meditative mood to each one. Fine art coexists with every day life.”
Toby Michaels has long been an artist in the area. With a Masters Degree in Art Therapy, she worked with psychiatric patients at Norwalk Hospital and Silver Hill Hospital for many years. She also worked as an Adjunct Professor of Art Therapy at Quinnapiac College.
Currently a full-time artist, she is represented by Art/Place Gallery, Westport Schools' Permanent Art Collection and the Westport Artist’s Collective.
Toby says, "Going beyond the limits of logical thinking, my abstract paintings become spiritual and metaphysical adventures, inspiring me to inquire into the ‘unseen’, the endless cosmic and universal possibilities that give life to artistic expression..Making art for me becomes a doorway into Self-Knowledge, allowing for a deep connection to a Higher Source, the basis of all creativity."