The public is invited to a reception at Art/Place Gallery on April 7 from 3 to 5 pm. The show is “Artists Invite Artists, Part II”, the paintings of the second half of the members showing with the work of their chosen artist. The artists will talk about their work throughout the reception. The show runs from April 2 to 28 and can be viewed every afternoon at 70 Sanford Street in Fairfield. See www.artplacegallery.org or call 203-374-9720.
Please join us on Sunday April 2, 2019 from 3 - 5 PM for a reception and meet the artists. Finger foods are served along with complimentary wine and soft drinks. Bring your friends!
The Art/Place members and their guest artists in the show are:
Arthur Gerstein with Mark Schiff
Mary Louise Long with Bevi Bullwinkle
Keith Magner with Puja Patini
Sandra Meagher with Oi Fortin
Toby Michaels with Lynne Arovas
Dave Pressler with Norm Siegel
Anthony Santomauro with Steve Parton
Jeffrey Starkes with Kristin Ambrosi
Florence Zolan with Matthew Zolan.